Key Projects

Since its launch, the Academy of Engineering, Singapore (SAEng) has identified strategic projects and called upon its fellows to lend their expertise. The Academy has made significant progress in laying the groundwork for improving the awareness of engineering in society and promoting engineering excellence.

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Your donations will enable the Academy to develop and sustain projects to attract aspiring engineers, encourage innovation and provide support to advance and promote excellence in engineering, and improve the public awareness and understanding of engineering in Singapore.

Featured News

The Inaugural SAEng TechTalk Series Symposium

  The TechTalk Series Symposium is a new initiative by the Academy of Engineering, Singapore (SAEng) to provide a premier platform in engineering for government agencies, industry professionals, academics, and students, for:   • Knowledge Sharing: To establish a forum where experts can disseminate their latest research findings, technological advancements, and industry insights to a […]


8th Annual General Meeting

The Academy of Engineering, Singapore held its eighth Annual General Meeting (AGM) in September 2018, at The Institution of Engineers, Singapore. During the AGM, Professor Louis Phee presented the Secretary’s report to the meeting for comments. Academy President Cham Tao Soon welcomed the new Fellows who joined the Academy during the past year and gave an update on the progress […]