Awards And Honours Bestowed Upon SAEng Fellows In 2020

Our heartiest congratulations to the following Fellows who had been bestowed with various prestigious honours and awards by the respective professional institutions and organisations in 2020.

Professor Cheong Hee Kiat

  • The Public Administration Medal (Gold), National Day Awards 2020 conferred by the President of the Republic of Singapore.

Professor Lock Kai Sang

  • The Public Service Star, National Day Awards 2020 conferred by the President of the Republic of Singapore.

Professor Phoon Kok Kwang

  • The Norman Medal 2020 by the American Society of Civil Engineers for co-authoring of a paper that is judged worthy of special commendation for its merit as a contribution to engineering science.

Mr Seah Moon Ming

  • Medal of Commendation (Gold), The May Day Awards 2020 by National Trades Union Congress (NTUC).

Dr Yan Shuicheng

  • ACM Fellow by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in recognition of the top 1% of ACM Members for their outstanding accomplishments in computing and information technology and/ or outstanding service to ACM and the larger computing community.
  • Highly Cited Researcher 2020 by Clarivate Analytics for ranking in the top 1% by citations for field and publication year in Clarivate’s Web of Science database.