The Academy of Engineering, Singapore (SAEng) is actively seeking candidates to be fellows of the academy.
Nomination Criteria
Candidates are nominated by two existing members of the academy and must have resided in Singapore in the preceding three years.
In addition, candidates should have:
Made impactful contributions to engineering practice, research, and/or education; or
Demonstrated outstanding entrepreneurship and leadership; or
Created innovations that have been successfully translated into practice; or
Shown leadership in the management and professional growth of the engineering industry, educational institutions, or research organisations.
These accomplishments should be at the national or international level. Some examples are:
National level
National contributions in various high-level technical committees, government statutory boards, and professional societies.
International level
Served on international scientific and advisory committees or judging panels at major scientific and academic events, etc.
Contributions have brought the nation into international prominence in a particular field
SAEng also welcomes candidates who are early in their careers and are expected to make major contributions in the years to come.
The Fellowship Process
Nominations will be reviewed on a yearly basis in December. To be considered for assessment, nominations must be received by 30 October in the same year. Nominations received after 30 October will be included in the following year’s discussions.
Successful candidates will be notified in February of the subsequent year.
To submit a nomination, please complete this form with the candidate’s CV and send it to