8th Annual General Meeting

The Academy of Engineering, Singapore held its eighth Annual General Meeting (AGM) in September 2018, at The Institution of Engineers, Singapore.

During the AGM, Professor Louis Phee presented the Secretary’s report to the meeting for comments.

Academy President Cham Tao Soon welcomed the new Fellows who joined the Academy during the past year and gave an update on the progress of the projects initiated by the Academy. President Cham shared that the paper by Professor Chua Kee Chaing and his expert group on “Singapore as a Connected City” was submitted to the Centre for Liveable Cities for endorsement and reviewed by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) with useful feedback received on the recommendations outlined in the paper. He commented that engineers should understand the  benefits and impact of disruptive technologies to keep abreast of the latest technological changes and remain relevant to society. He also encouraged all Fellows to take time out to contribute to the Academy’s projects and activities. 

President Cham invited the meeting for comments and suggestions on the projects presented in the Secretary’s report, to which the Fellows gave their endorsement without any amendment.

Professor Andrew Nee presented the Treasurer’s report, which was also endorsed by Fellows without any  amendment. President Cham informed that the Academy’s financial position was healthy and he will write to the Fellows for donations to the Academy after the Academy’s IPC status is renewed. President Cham also thanked
donors for their contributions and cited Fellows Mr Seah Moon Ming and Professor Seah Hock Soon for their recent donations to the Academy.

President Cham updated that the Academy will be inviting local industry leaders to join as Fellows to bring about greater diversity of views and expertise to the Academy, and requested all Fellows for nominations of local industry leaders as Fellows for consideration and approval. President Cham also highlighted the importance of succession planning and introducing new blood to the Committee and requested for nominations of young Fellows to be elected as Committee members.

President Cham requested the meeting for suggestions and proposals that could help to publicise the Academy. Professor Brian Lee suggested that the Academy should collaborate with the Academy of Medicine on biomedical products. In response, President Cham opined that the Academy should collaborate with The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) on projects as the Academy has a number of Fellows who are also IES Fellows. Professor Chou Siaw Kiang agreed that closer relationship should be established with IES and proposed that the Academy work with IES on joint projects or events. Er. Chong Kee Sen suggested that IES could help to publicise the Academy during IES talks and events while Professor Yoon Soon Fatt suggested that a distinguished professor lecture series could be co-sponsored by the Academy and IES.

President also shared that the Academy had previously submitted a joint proposal with the Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS) to the National Research Foundation (NRF) for funding to support admin and research manpower for both academies but NRF is facing difficulties in getting approval to support the request.

In closing, the President expressed his appreciation and thanks to the Executive Committee Members and the project groups who have dedicated precious time and hard work in pursuing the Academy’s mission and objectives for the past year and thanked IES and Fellows for their valuable and generous support towards the Academy’s activities.
